Thursday, October 3, 2013


     I think this is a topic all of us teenagers can agree on... Why are our parents on every single social media now?!?! I get that they want to keep in touch with old friends and family, and that's cool but please keep it on your account and don't watch mine like a hawk.
    I'm not even one that posts bad things but it's still kind of like, GIVE ME MY SPACE! First, I got a Facebook and I was still in middle school so I kind of had to let my mom be friends with me, I didn't know being friends with your parents lead to being friends with every single person they know!
     I'm more than happy my parents aren't the ones to post/ comment on everything I post like some of my friends parents do. It's so embarrassing, but I guess that's their "job" right?
     After Facebook, came Instagram. My mom AND her friends again followed me on this site too. I guess a plus to it is that they like all of my pictures, I mean everyone likes those likes. The annoying thing is when they constantly ask you about the pictures you post, for example, " OMG! Who is that boy? Are you dating?" NOOOOOOOOOO. Just because I post a picture with someone of the other gender does not mean that we are dating, by that logic I would have like 17 boyfriends or something.
     Adults asking you about your posts brings me to my next social media, Twitter. Twitter is a place to post what's going on with you, maybe some jokes, and sometimes you might post song lyrics. My mom doesn't "follow" me on this, and those quotation marks are because she still twitter stalks me and asks, " I saw your tweet, what's wrong?" Oh, you saw it? CAUSE YOU STALK ME. And, no nothing is wrong those would be well known lyrics to a song, I am fine.
   The worst is when they start adding your friends, because they don't want them to watch what they're doing especially if their parents aren't watching them already, then they feel bad for "blocking" them or "declining" their follow requests. Now, I'm not trying to rant about adults on media ( but I kind of am), I mean cool you can have it. Just, PLEASE give the kids some space!  All, I'm asking is for one, just one, social media site I can have that isn't constantly being watched.

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