Sunday, September 29, 2013

Media's influence on young girls

         I know this is kind of a cliche topic, but it's still an important one. How media portrays females often influences younger girls. Not only bad influences but their can be some good ones too.
          I think the biggest thig that is a problem is the apperances. Girls will go to extremes to look how they want or how some girl on tv or in a magazine looked.
          Watching the Victoria Secret Fashion show literally makes me sick, I don't understand how people can look like that. I watch it thinking that my leg is bigger than their entire body, and I don't care but some girls do, During the VS Show or anything like that is on, I will often get on twitter/ Instagram to see posts saying how they "wish" they could look like those people on tv.
         Sometimes girls try to make those " wishes" come true, and it usually ends poorly. Girls will become anorexic or belimic to look like those girls on tv, they will literally starve themselves because of how media portrays beautiful or "perfect" or make girls think that the only way they can be succesful in Hollywood is if they have the " perfect" body.
         Rhianna said, "Being size zero is a career in itself so we shouldn’t try and be like them. It’s not realistic and it’s not healthy.” I think the point she is trying to get across is that if you are trying to make it big, that focusing on trying to be a size zero will actually only hurt you. Because you will be focused on that rather than your job and you won't be as healthy as you once were.
          Actresses who look like the average girl are considered to be " Obese" in Hollywood because they aren't a "twig" and a lot of them are happy with how they look and don't want to change because they are trying to send the same message as me, that you should be happy with who you are/ how you look and if you wan't to change it that's okay just make sure you do it in a healthy way.
        Media can also influence girls in a good way too, like maybe it's how you dress or maybe the way you act? Anyway, good or bad media can influnce all kinds of people and personally I think that they should be happy in their own skin.

Instagram Dos & Donts

     Instagram is a very common social media used by people of all ages. In my opinion, there are some "Dos" and " Donts" of instagram much like anyother social media site.
     First, I'll start with my "Donts":
1. Do NOT post a ton of pictures a day, or at one time. Personally, I don't like scrooling through my timeline and seeing 20 pictures from the same person from the same football game, party,etc. I try to keep it at a 2-3 picture per day maximum.
2. This one kind of goes back to the first ones. Selfies. If you post more than one selfie a day, I will unfollow you. Also, with selfies, don't post them every day, don't post them with inspirational quotes or a " #selfie (whatever day it is."  I'm not saying selfies are bad, I'll admit i've posted them. But if the majority of your account is just selfies of you, im sorry I will not follow you.
3. Third one, do not be dumb and post pictures that could get you into trouble, then be mad about it when you actually get in trouble for it. For example; Do not post multiple pictures of you doing illegal things, you think you look tough but chances are you are just going to be caught. ( p.s. did you know what you post online isn't private anymore? yeah weird i know.. Not.) basically just be smart people!
4. Final one and this mainly goes to the girls, Do not post a picture everytime you get starbucks or everytime you just got your nails done/ painted them yourself. It's just annoying.
     Now, onto some of my "Dos":
1. Do post pictures of you doing fun things with your friends/family. Lets say, you go to a football game, post a picture all dressed up with your friends supporting your school. Those are always fun pictures!
2. Post pictures of/ with your pets or other animals. What person can turn down a cute picture of a baby animal? Nobody. Because they are so cute and everyone doesn't mind seeing them
3. If you're on vacation or somewhere cool take a picture of the scenery, people want to know what you're up too and they look pretty cool.
4. Participate in things like " Women Crush Wednesdays" or " Throw back Thursday" every now and then, not all the time. I personally like to when there are old pictures I never got the chance to post or I realize I haven't posted something in a while.

     I'm really not trying to offened anyone or asking you to change your profile/ what you post this is just my personal opinion.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Once something is online, it's no longer private.

Brian Holloway, Former NFL star's house in New York was completely trashed due to the 300+ kids who decided to break in and throw a huge party while he was in Florida. Holloway was contacted about this, and decided he wasn't going to press charges at first, but invite them back to clean up his house and return what they took and he would provide food and drinks for them. After, only about four kids showed up to clean, he decided to look online.

With today’s technology it's easy to find what you're looking for, because once it's online it's public. Holloway started to find many of the students from various videos, instagrams, and tweets. He also sent out things looking for help to find all the students. He has found a lot of them and his list keeps on growing, to learn more about this you can go to his site,

What's weird about this, is that the students’ parents are now trying to defend them and instead sue Holloway. Because, they believe that because he is making these pictures public he is invading the kids’ privacy and doesn't have the right to do so.

I don't get this because the kids already published all of these themselves, it's not like he's doing anything they didn't already do. And, police officers often use media to investigate things. The parents trying to sue him for taking the pictures they already published is like, a murderer suing someone for taking his tweet that could say something like “I just killed someone” think about that? The kids were obviously at the party and clearly wanted everyone to know that they were.

Holloway also had his grandsons headstone taken that was a granite eagle, then found a picture on Instagram from that night, that was a girl and THE eagle saying “Meet eagle” are you really trying to defend your child saying she wasn’t at that party? And, that Holloway doesn’t have the right to use that picture? Because, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have the right to break into someone’s home and steal his property.  I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong on that one. But, I really don’t think so.
Everyone that is on social media should be totally aware that once you post something it’s public and out there forever, you can’t control whose hands it falls into. And, if you don’t want someone to “invade your privacy” then don’t publish it to the public. It’s that simple.
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Sunday, September 22, 2013


I honestly do not understand all the media things made in this world. All the thinking and complexity behind them just does not make sense to me. In this post I want to talk about my favorite thing in this world, thanks to media, and that thing is, Netflix.

            Words can’t even start to explain my love for Netflix. It’s also so affordable to watch your favorite movies and TV shows for hours. Whoever created this beautiful thing I use on the daily I thank you.

            Literally, Netflix has it all. Maybe not the newest movies but they still have amazing movies and TV shows. One of my favorite things to do when I’m bored is to get on netflix scroll through the movies and just click on some completely random movie.

 Lately, I’ve really got into Gossip Girl. I would really recommend it, if you were like me and a gossip loving teenage girl. It has so many plot twists and secrets that it just draws you in. Also, If you’re an One Tree Hill fan I can almost guarantee you will love Gossip Girl.
 Also, kudos to Netflix for the “ Just For Kids” section they made. It comes in handy for me when I'm babysitting and I’m sure it comes in handy for parents too. Because, you can trust the movies are appropriate for your kids. I think it’s neat how that simple of a thing can make a huge different.

 If you’re looking for something to watch on Netflix, I have plenty of suggestions. I’m currently watching the Emmys and Breaking Bad has been nominated for almost every award. So, if you’re into crime like shows, that seems like a popular one to look for.

 I would also recommend the like “Thriller” section if you are into that type of thing. I love it because i love crime investigation and getting that adrenaline rush. Its like the adrenaline from an actual movie in a less scary but still scary way. It’s by far my favorite section on Netflix.

Netflix also recently put up all of these old Cartoon Network shows that us teenagers watched in our childhood and they are still just as good. I and some people I know got way too excited when we found out about all these old shows being put on because you can’t watch them on TV anymore unless you’re watching at random hours in the night.

 Weather it’s an old movie or new ish one i’m telling you Netflix has it or something like it. You may even be like me and find some of your favorite shows and movies on Netflix that you have never even heard of before, it’s awesome.

            The thing I love most about Netflix is that it seriously has something for everyone.It has anything from children's movies, to anime, to action, to TV shows, to comedies, to romantic movies, literally there is something for everyone.

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iOS7/ iPhone Obsession

Like many teenage iphone owners, earlier this week I was waiting for the iOS7 update to come out right at noon. When we got to lunch we all sat down and got right on our phones to download this new software. All of us were having so many issues getting it to start downloading and once we did it was saying it would talk a crazy amount of hours to get it.
Once, it finally downloaded, I realized it was totally worth the wait. It’s almost like having a whole new phone, it looks so much different, personally i think it looks a lot more modernized or futuristic.
I love how now you can swipe anywhere on the phone to unlock it and how the pass code buttons match the color of your background, it’s the little things like that that make the phone just a little bit cooler. Also, from the lock screen you can access some basic settings and your music.
I also love how it has things like effects on the camera, a built in flashlight, and itunes radio. Because, you no longer have to get photo editing apps, flashlight apps, and pandora to waste your storage space. Don’t get me wrong, I love pandora but itunes radio has so many good stations, and is a genius idea by apple.
           The update kind of looks like the Galaxy s4 by Samsung, but it’s okay because it’s beautiful and I know plenty of people who can’t decide between the iphone and the s4 and now they can get the best of both worlds.
There really isn’t a huge difference in what the phone can and can’t do, it’s mainly little details and a new look and I love it so much.
          Not only do I love the iOS7 but the iphone in general is so great. As a flip phone, slide phone, android, and samsung phone owner I think I have the right to say that the iphone is by far my favorite. It’s like having a mini little computer at the tip of your fingers that you can use whenever you want.
         The phone is constantly having software updates and new models of the phone are being made all the time, so I feel like you can trust that you always have the access and updates you deserve.
         I’m not trying to say that I have something against all the other kind of phones because i’m sure they're great, just from my personal experience I would easily pick an iPhone over any other kind.
         I’m starting to realize I sound like an annoying teenage girl who is way too obsessed with her phone, so on that note goodbye readers.

We Can't Stop

What I want to know is why is everyone hating on my girl Miley Cyrus? Like yeah, I get she has done some crazy things recently but she still is making great music and entertaining the public. Hello, that’s kind of her job.
I honestly don’t think people would care that much if she wasn’t a childhood star, but the fact that she was on Disney Channel and on Hannah Montana, people think that she should always be that sweet innocent girl. But, guess what? She’s not, she grew up, it’s kind of a thing people do.
I get that her new song “Wrecking Ball” video isn’t like her “ Best of Both Worlds” but what are you going to do about it? Sitting at home calling her names isn’t going to change anything. Believe it or not she does have reason behind what she’s doing, even if you don’t understand it, the artist does.
I understand it was a dramatic change but everyone who is hating on her needs to realize it’s her life and she can do whatever she wants. I really do feel like if she were to start the way she is now people wouldn’t care as much. They would see her more of a Lady Gaga, not a crazy out of control person.
Also, do you realize that the more you tweet about her or watch her videos to “make fun” of her, she is just getting more attention?
I guess i’ll never really understand why people care so much about celebrities do, if you don’t like them or what they’re doing, just don’t pay attention to them and give them the popularity you are by hating on them, easy as that.
I’m not trying to say that I love every artist and everything they do, but I don’t spend my time posting on social media or talking about how much I dislike them. I also don’t think people should be able to say that a certain singer or actor has no talent as they are sitting on a couch watching them.
Like, excuse me they have got a lot farther in life than you have and most of them are only like fourteen. I just don’t get why people sit around and hate on other peoples professions. Just, let them do their thing. They aren’t hating on what you’re doing, are they? Didn’t think so.
So basically, the point of this blog was to remind all of you that sitting around hating on
celebrities is getting you nowhere. So, stop worrying about what they are doing and live your
own life.