Sunday, October 6, 2013

Do it for the Vine

     Vine is one of the "newer" social media out there in the social media world. The reason for the quotation is because it really isn't that new but it's just now making its mark and becoming a thing. For those of you who don't know what Vine is, it's basically instagram but with videos only that are about seven seconds long. Vine is great for everyone, my highschool newspaper has one, it's a quick and fun way to get news out, a lot of peope make Vines for comedy purposes, you really find vines of everything. There is also a lot of trends I've noticed on Vine recently, for example:
     The first one is the "Grind on Me" Vine. Personally, I'm really not a fan of this one, like isn't it awkward for you guys to ask your friend to tape you basically humping the ground. Basically, what this Vine is is boys "dancing" to the song Grind on Me, and by dancing I mean doing this weird handstand worm thing to the ground then basically humping the ground, eww it just grosses me out.
     There is also one similar to the "Grind on Me" one but for girls, weird I know... not. I also think this one is just dumb and a way for girls to get attention. This one is called the " Don't Drop that Thun Thun Thun" basically girls just do this little dance number where they twerk and shake their butt then post it on the internent. I guess i'll never understand the purpose of this.
     Then there is the basic " #Remake" Vines. These ones are mainly when people remake other peoples Vines because they are usually funny or they just really like them I guess. I don't really have problems with them, I mean they are usually pretty funny. When I start to have a problem is when every single person i follow remakes or re-vines the exact same vines and fill up my timeline.
     Also, believe it or not there are people out there who are Vine "Famous". They become famous by just posting a lot of vines who appeal to a wide audience of people. Then people revine their videos and then they get more followers, it really just goes on and on. I know there are a lot out there and sorry if I dont mention yours but i'm going to mention my two favorites.
     My first one is Tasia Alexies because she doesn't care what people think and she is so funny and wierd like me. I like her vines because usually it's her saying some totally ridiculous thing we all know is true but would never be brave enough to say on social media or her vines include her crazy dad who is just like her and doesn't care. Basically, they're just a really funny family.
     My second one would totally have to be Zach Cooper. Oh my goodness, first he's very attractive and two he's so sweet. He works with kids who have down syndrome and he always post really cute and fun vines with the kids he works with. I just feel like he's an inspiration to a lot of people and he has a very big heart.
     I actually really enjoy Vine there are just some things that need to go.

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